Ayurveda is underpinned by the Five Elements, otherwise known as Panchamahabhuta.
Space, Air, Fire, Water & Earth.
The Elements that form everything and the method of understanding everything.
Earth & Water elements refer to Kapha Dosha, the dosha responsible for stability, growth & repair. Proper physical, mental & spiritual growth relies on proper grounding, proper balance of Kapha dosha in the body. Kapha is the opposite to Vata – Space & Air, which is responsible for all the knowledge & movement in the body.
The feelings of groundedness are contentment not seeking, satisfaction not lack, peace not chaos. focus & ability to retain information rather than flitting & forgetting.
Where does your stability come from? How do you stabilize yourself in this modern fiery, airy world?
Ayurveda teaches us to find our equilibrium every morning through Dinacharya – daily routine. This grounding practice includes internal & external practices that help us to remain grounded throughout the day.
Get in contact if you're interested in learning more; https://calendly.com/mangowisdomwellness/wellness-chat